Academic profile
I am a lecturer (assistant professor) at the Math department of Ben-Gurion University, Be’er-Sheva, Israel.
I received my PhD in 2007 from the Hebrew University, under the supervision of Ehud Hrushovski. Previous positions include:
Postdoc at the Mathematics department of The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, working with Ehud Hrushovski.
Postdoc at the Mathematics department of Notre-Dame University, where I worked with Sergei Starchenko, as well as others in the logic group
Postdoc at the Pure Math department of the University of Waterloo. I worked there with Rahim Moosa.
Modnet postdoc at the Maths department of the University of East-Anglia, where I worked with David Evans.
Research interests
I am interested in model theory (a branch of mathematical logic), and its interactions with other areas of mathematics, especially algebraic geometry, representation theory, differential equations and category theory.